Thursday, July 26, 2007

Facebook surprise

So, this week I finally checked off something that's been hovering around my to-do list for quite some time: I set up a Facebook page. Now, the reaction to this has been great (I thought I'd probably end up with 2 friends, if that) and amusing..."I was so surprised to see you on Facebook!" Why? Am I too old to totter to the keyboard, peer through my aged eyes, and comprehend how the whole thing works? Hey, I think I earned my geek cred a long time ago. Anyway, the main reasons I set it up were to communicate with my students (past and present) because I fear no one bothers to read the web pages and blog I spend so much time maintaining, whereas everyone is glued to Facebook 24/7; and to connect with all those students from past years, whom I still recall with fondness. Think, Chamber Singers reuniuon concert 2010! Well, I'm spending way to much time right now with it, but I do enjoy connecting with everyone so if you're reading this, you're welcome to join my friends!

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